Monday, November 26, 2007


I know that Shawna does a lot of work around the house, but I never realize how much until she is sick. I spent the last two days running around like a mad man trying to take care of the girls, the meals, Shawna and myself, and the house looks like a tornado ripped through it. Somehow Shawna does this everyday, and the place always looks great. I told her yesterday that if she wasn't around, our family and our home would always be in complete chaos.

I think its good to see what it would be like with out the moms in our homes and lives. It helps me to be thankful for my mom and for Shawna.

Thanks moms!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proverbs; 31-verse 10 thru 28

especialy 28

Me to thanks Cody for reminder.