Tuesday, November 6, 2007

5 things every Christian should know

This is the title for a new sermon series I'm starting this Sunday. These aren't the only 5 things a Christian should know and not necessarily the most important, but it makes for a good series title. Throughout the coming months and years, you will probably also see "5 things every Christian should know part II" and "5 more things every Christian should know". These titles allow me to be vague, yet have some kind of running theme.

Anyways, here is a list of tentative titles in no particular order for the first edition of "5 things every Christian should know".

1. It can happen to you

2. Money is just paper (and sometimes coins)

3. Tattoos are ok

4. Worship, it's not just music

5. Ancient Paths


mojofan said...

Was wondering how the first sermon went on "It can happen to you" At church the pastor has been talking about that same thing and using the life of Joseph to relate that bad things can happen to good people but that God runs the show. It is hard to listen to and accept but you realize that it is very true.

Cody Brown said...

The first sermon actually turned out to be "Tattoos are OK". I think it went well, but you could tell some people where stopped dead in their tracks with the pastor saying tattoos where okay. The sermon was about our freedom in Christ, and how I think so many times we miss out on living in that freedom.

I'm not exactly sure how the sermon "It can happen to you" will come about, but I did preach 2 weeks ago about "Everything happens for a reason". This was basically built around the idea that it's really not about the reasons, but about the God behind those reason. We can easily get lost in wondering why something happened, instead of relying on God who is control of those reasons.

"It can happen to you", might be more about the empathy we as believers should have for others. I feel like so many times I'm quick to judge others situations or fault them for the "mess" they are in, when maybe I should but myself in their shoes. I'm really good about running other people's lives, and I think this gets in the way of loving them at times.

mojofan said...

I forget too, how much freedom we have in Christ. And it is really silly because why do I want to live life with so much bondage, and worry when I don't have too. Thanks for the reminder.