Thursday, August 9, 2007

Things get old

On our trip to Colorado and Utah this past week, I spotted a candy bar that I used to think I would never get tired of eating and I realized I was tired of eating it. It made me think why that was. It is still the same candy bar, made the same way as it always has, so why did I no longer choose to partake of its tasty goodness? Then I realized that's how it is for a lot of things, not just candy bars. Some of the movies that I used to be able to watch everyday or tapes that I use to wear out from too much play (and yes I did say tapes, you haven't heard that phrase in awhile) I no longer want to see or hear. Why? I guess we just want something different after a while. And even though we fight change if it isn't our choice, we really all thrive off of change. Which to me makes even more profound the statement Paul makes in Philippians, when he says he is "content whatever the circumstances" and that he has learned the secret of being content.

I want to be content. I don't always want to be looking for the next thing coming over the next hill. I don't always want to see if the grass is greener. I want to be content. I believe what Paul has discovered is that it's not about finding contentment WITH your circumstances, but rather we can be content IN our circumstances because we quench our human desire for the next thing with our pursuit of God. He is the one thing that never gets old, and the one thing we will never fully comprehend.

There are times when God calls us to new jobs, new places, and new ministries, but if this isn't one of those times, yet you still are feeling restless. Pursue HIm. Pursue Him. Pursue Him.

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