Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year and What do You Think?

Happy New Year everyone!

Now that that's done(I'm not good with the holiday greetings), I wanted to ask you what you thought about Sunday and the idea of serving on the last Sunday of every month. We wouldn't have church in our usually way, but instead would have church by meeting up somewhere and serving on Sunday morning. I know this is out of the norm and you probably have some questions, so feel free to voice your concerns, questions, and even your enthusiasm.

This cannot just be my desire, but instead needs to be the heart of the congregation if it's going to work. I look forward to hearing from you.

Some ideas for this are:
1. Putting carts away at Wal-mart (you knew that was coming)
2. Visiting the nursing home
3. Doing yard work for someone in need
4. Visiting shut-ins
5. Cleaning up a park
6. fixing a meal for people in need
7. Free car wash (no donations)
8. Free breakfast/brunch for one floor at the dorms at ENMU

Part of serving is that we may have to actually open up ourselves to places of need we have never seen or known of before. Also, this is not about getting people to come to Arch, but rather giving the people of Arch Baptist the chance to humble ourselves and see God in new and different ways.


Anonymous said...

Saturday but not on Sunday

Cody Brown said...

Why not on Sunday?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the idea. This is exactly the direction I think our church should go but NOT on Sunday. Worship is set aside for God on Sunday and to abandon that I feel would be wrong.

Cody Brown said...

My response to that would be, what is worship? To me worship is anything that we do to glorify God. We are so used to worship being defined as singing and preaching on a Sunday morning, that I believe we have limited what worship is. I understand people are comfortable with going to "church" on Sunday morning and singing and hearing someone preach, but comfort and tradition does not mean that is the only way. But as I said Sunday and on this blog, this is not my decision to make, but I also hope people won't automatically dismiss it because it's different.

Cody Brown said...

How about on 5th Sundays?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought about the people that pour them selves out all week and need to be refilled spiritually on sunday? with some good ole time preaching,including an invitation even on the 5th sunday. Don't you think our serving on a week day & a 5th sunday singing would be much better?

Cody Brown said...

If that's what the congregation would rather do. That's why I'm asking.

But have you ever thought that it is possible to be refilled and refreshed through service?

I like that Sunday is a time for people to be refilled, because I hope they are pouring themselves out during the week. I also think that's what's so hard about being a pastor. The place you go to be refilled is the place I work. I guess that's why I look at somethings differently.

Cody Brown said...

Thanks everyone for the comments. Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Worship to me is time that we focus on God alone and retreat from the world to hear God's word and spread the word to unbelievers in the congregation. If we think we do not have lost in our group we aren't paying attention. Sunday is to show reverance and respect to God, set aside to focus on Him. We are to rest and worship on the sabbath. The other six days we work. Sure there are other ways of worshipping God. This is not about tradition and "being comfortable." Being comfortable is staying home in bed on Sunday. Outreach is to be done all week -- in the workplace,etc. I live the idea of having visitation during the week and visiting the shutins and nursing homes. This is a great idea. I don't think people care what day people reach out to them and I really don't think giving up Sunday morning is going to impress anyone. We don't have enough time in church now. We only have maybe 4 hours a month. Bo & Judy

Cody Brown said...

I appreciate the comments, but believe me I'm not trying to "impress anyone". Just sharing my heart, and I really do appreciate your input.

Anonymous said...

Being of the younger generation at our Church I think that this is a great idea. I would love to get out and help in the community or whatever we need or want to do. Sure it would be different and may shake things up a bit, but maybe that is what we need...

James G

Cody Brown said...

Thanks for sharing James. I appreciate you adding to the discussion and giving us a point of view from the "younger generation".

Also, James, thanks for all you do at the church already.

Golden said...
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Golden said...
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Anonymous said...

dude, i agree with the get out and serve on sunday. worship is how you live your life DAILY, and not just what you do on sundays. some of us are so busy throughout the week that we run out of time to have a "set time" or an "organized time" to serve. don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that ALL service MUST be set aside and organized, i'm just saying that i enjoy being with fellow believers and enjoy serving others. some of the most refreshing/real/spiritual experinces i've had as a christian have been through serving others...on sundays...


Cody Brown said...


I wanted to tell you, like I told James, thanks for the service you already do on Sunday morning. I appreciate that you freely give of your time and talents to the body of believers at Arch.