Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Music memories

I'm always amazed at what memories can come flooding through my mind when I hear certain songs and artist. Music has an unbelievable way of taking me back in time to a specific year and situation. Allow me to share.

Late elementary school: Anything from Phil Collins and I'm immediately taken back to 5th and 6th grade. Just hearing any part of "We Built this City" by Starship and I'm back in the Portales skating rink that use to sit where Town and Country now stands. "It's a couples only skate, couples only" That's good stuff.

Junior High: The awkward years are immediately relived with the sounds of Poison, Whitney Houston (before she went crazy), Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam, Def Leppard, or Debbie Gibson. It seems like it was just yesterday when my mom was dropping me off at the Memorial Building for one of many junior high dances. What a scary thought, me dancing at the age of 12. It wasn't pretty.

High School: High school was my first exposure to Christian music, so Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant ( who I had a major crush on) fit in to this time period, however, nothing takes me back like Garth Brooks. The Dance, Unanswered Prayers, and Shameless are just the tip of the iceberg, or better yet, glacier of Garth Brooks songs that take me back to high school. Good times, really good times.

College: I immediately think of sitting in my dorm room at Texas Tech and listening to Blackhawk and Clay Walker over and over again. The Blackhawk song, "Every Once in a While", is a classic. College was also the time when Christian music became more than Sandy Patty and started to become more mainstream. Groups like Jars of Clay and Third Day became regular staples on my brand new portable CD player. (that's right I put "brand new portable" in bold, because that was a big deal then.)

I love music. I love the memories it can bring, good or bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and when I was in high school that would have been in the 80's anything Air Supply, or Journy and it was great I then thought nothing at all about Country but then began thinking how cute the cowboys were and the first song that I heard that I loved County music after that was George Strait the Chair and that is still my favorite and then in my freshman year of college we went to see Amy Grant and it was wonderful and I love all kinds of music and it puts me back everytime to a certain place and I to was at the skating rink and the memoral building and the fair grounds!!! Thanks