Monday, December 17, 2007

I didn't know

I didn't know that saying "I wish we would stop doing church and start being the church" would cause such a stir, so I removed that post from the blog. I have been reading and studying about the "church" as the body of Christ, and overall I got the sense that Christians have lost sight of what church is supposed to be. That it is about the people not just our meeting time on Sunday morning. I was not applying this specifically to Arch Baptist Church, but to believers overall.

I understand that someone reading the original post would not know what I was thinking or what was on my heart when I wrote it. I apologize for that. I will try to do better in the future about not "thinking" out loud on the blog without sharing more of the background.


Anonymous said...

I haven't read the book in question but, it sounds as if I have thought about the questions in the book. Thoughts sometimes elude words and thus pondering begins. The church building is where I go to "let go",accept, to just be. The volumn of my world and its issues can momentarily be tuned to silent. Outside is harder. Trying to discern,on a daily basis, what I think my Lord wants me to do means being vulnerable,seldom a comfortable state, and outside is where the results of what goes on inside lives out.. and the volumn goes up again. Think I'll read the book.

Cody Brown said...

Exactly! Sunday mornings, I believe, are a chance for Christians to come and be filled. Sunday mornings aren't "church" put they are a great part of church. It is nice to have a place you can go and worship with others, and hopefully be inspired to go out for another week and pour your life out to others. And pouring our lives out is also "church".

I'm hoping that out at Arch, we can find even more ways to be filled throughout the week.

Thanks for sharing.