Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Here is a list of books that I would recommend. You've probably already read them or heard of them but I just thought I would pass along some of my favorites. I recommend them not just because they were a good read, but they challenge me to go back to God's word and look at it with new eyes.

Velvet Elvis--Rob Bell

Blue Like Jazz--Donald Miller
Searching for God Knows What--Donald Miller

Jim and Casper Go to Church--Jim and Casper

Under the Overpass--Mike Yankoski

Confessions of a Pastor--Craig Groeschel

Music recommendation: John Waller "The Blessing"


mojofan said...

I read to great books this summer by Ted Dekker--Showdown and The Saint. Excellent!! I read Showdown in three days; Just could put it donw.

Anonymous said...

Velvet Elvis, you might find this review interesting
