Saturday, October 20, 2007


I'm really starting to dread taking a shower every morning. It seems like every time I turn around it's time to get up and take another shower, and I don't know how much longer I can take it. I know that a shower doesn't seem like much and I do like to be clean. If I don't take a shower in the morning, I feel "cheesy" all day. It's not the shower its self I don't like, but the fact that it signifies a new day is beginning. Again, the start of a new day may on the surface seem like a good thing, but to me it just reminds me that I didn't accomplish much the day before and today doesn't hold many prospects either. It's the fact that the shower has become the anchor point of my day, not the small task I have to do to get on to the good stuff.

Days are flying by and the reason I know this is because it's always time for another shower. The fact that I'm even writing about showers, should tell you where my life is now. I'm just hoping that soon a shower will just be a shower, and not a point of philosophy in my life.

1 comment:

mojofan said...

I am glad that I am not the only one that feels this way. Maybe because I am a girl but a shower and getting ready is so much work. Washing the hair, blow drying the hair, curling the hair, and then make-up. One hour out of each day is used to just get ready for the day. I wish I could be more like my husband. Within 10 minutes of getting out of bed he is out the door.