Friday, July 13, 2007

America's next...

I just saw a commercial for a new t.v. show called "America's Producer". Apparently, they are having a reality show to find America's next top producer. Are you serious? How many shows like this can we have? America's next top model, Americas got talent, America's producer, America's next babysitter, America's top pool cleaner... The worst part is, I would probably end up watching all of these shows. Reality shows have now become our reality.

Anyways, this got me thinking about a conversation I had with my dad yesterday. We were talking about how people can drive us crazy and how we drive people crazy ourselves. Dad said it would be interesting if we had our lives video taped, so we could play it back and see just how we appear to others. Scary thought, finding out that I'm not always right, and that I don't necessarily ooze the love of Christ. Most of the footage would be filled with me complaining how people don't do things the way I think they should be done. It's funny how people are different, but the one thing we all seem to have in common is that we think that everyone else should act and think just like us. But guess what. It's not going to happen, and I need to stop going through life with the idea that it will.

Christ has called us to love others and make disciples, not clones of ourselves. I need to stop complaining and focusing on all things that people do differently than myself, and instead focus on the fact that they are God's creation, made to His exact specifications.

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